Introducing our 'Women Make History' Appeal

We’re really excited to launch our Women Make History appeal today!

We’ve teamed up with Crowdfunder to bring you some fantastic rewards which celebrate women’s history - every donation will help us reach our goal of £20,000.

Make sure women’s voices are heard - past, present and future: donate now.


About the appeal

We all know a woman in our family, in our neighbourhood, who has made a difference during the pandemic. Women Make History every day - help us tell their stories.

History is powerful. What we learn about history shapes us and our understanding of the world. Stories from the past can make us rethink our present, and inspire us to change it.

This has been our mission since 2015. We’ve come so far thanks to the support of our volunteers, community partners and online friends!

Join the campaign and be part of the next chapter for women’s history…

inspiring-womens-history-east-london (1)
Our limited ‘Women Make History’ art print: head over to our crowdfunder to find out more

Our limited ‘Women Make History’ art print: head over to our crowdfunder to find out more

What your donation will do:

Help us open our physical museum.

We’re England’s ONLY museum dedicated to women’s history. We’re very lucky to have a building to call our own, but without our community it would be just that: a building. People make museums.

Your donation will fund our ongoing work with local communities in east London - collecting women’s histories and providing opportunities for training, creativity and enjoyment.

Women Make History. Join us!