Fruit and vegetables
Some of the most vivid memories of the market focus on food. Food is closely linked to a sense of identity for many shoppers at Watney Market, and as the communities around the market have changed so have the types of food on offer.
Jim and Violent Payne © East London Advertiser 1960, Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives
“There used to be an egg stall that used to just sell fresh eggs and bacon, and then there was a shop selling Savaloys and pease pudding. You know, it was all different, totally different.”
“Today, spinach. I needed my spinach. Two for a pound so I can’t get them any better from anywhere else. ”
©Diego Garcia 2017
“...You knew that Mrs Smith’s apples were the best. And Jack had all these lovely potatoes.”
“I used to go - Sunday morning. Get bagels and pickled herring and a green cucumber out of the barrel... We used to have winkles and shrimps.”
“We’d always have the same thing to get, so my Mum would have a sticky bun, and I would have one of those, you know there was an ice-cream cone with marshmallow instead real ice cream? Which is really gross when I think about it, but I really liked it.”
“You had rations for everything. I remember myself going for sweets. I had to give Miss Sherrad this book, and she would portion out so many little sweets – and you had farthings – so you had a certain farthings amount of sweets. You can imagine how small that was.”
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